Hey, travelers let us introduce our Guide to Paris to you! If you’re going to the 2024 Paris Olympics, you’re in for an experience of a lifetime!

But let’s face it… with all the excitement comes massive crowds. No one wants to spend their vacation shoulder-to-shoulder with strangers. So, here’s your insider’s guide to navigating Paris like a pro and avoiding those tourist swarms. Let’s dive in!

Early Bird Gets the Eiffel?

First things first: hit up the major attractions early. I’m talking crack-of-dawn early. The Eiffel Tower, Louvre, and Notre-Dame (it’s still closed!) are magnificent, but they’re also crowd magnets.

Get there when the city is just waking up, and you’ll have these iconic spots (almost) to yourself. Plus, you’ll get those sunrise photos with pretty lights.

What will be shutdown during the games

The installation of temporary Olympic venues, also known as pop-up venues, in and around various city landmarks is causing some issues for tourists. Construction has been ongoing since March, and restrictions are in place. Full removal of these and total free access won’t occur until October/November.

You can check the timeframe for each venue here:

Paris 2024 Olympics – Traffic Restrictions and Installation Dates for Temporary Sites

Temporary Games Venues in Central Paris – Security Perimeters and Installation Dates

Off the Beaten Path (as a real adventurer!)

Paris isn’t just about the big-name attractions. Wander into the lesser-known neighborhoods in our guide to Paris like Butte-aux-Cailles or the Canal Saint-Martin (see below on the picture how charming it is!). These areas are packed with charm, local cafés, and unique shops.

Leverage Local Knowledge

Here’s the deal: locals know the best spots. Tap into their knowledge. Use the Wingman app to discover hidden gems and curated tours. Trust me, there’s nothing like experiencing Paris through the eyes of someone who lives there. Plus, you’ll find cool places the guidebooks miss. Get the app now and enjoy a bonus 50 credits worth up to 100 EUR!

Take Advantage of Late Nights

Paris is a city that never sleeps. Museums like the Louvre (open until 9:00 PM on Wednesday and Friday) and the Musée d’Orsay (Thursday until 9:45 PM!) have late-night openings. Head there after dark to avoid crowds!

Use Public Transport Smartly

The Paris Metro is your friend, but it can get packed during rush hours. Plan your trips during off-peak times to avoid the crush. Plus, you’ll have more time to enjoy the city rather than being squeezed like a sardine. Here are the ticket prices and options for the Parisian public transport!

Plan and Book Ahead

For must-see attractions, book your tickets in advance. Skip-the-line tickets are a lifesaver and can save you hours. Use apps and websites to reserve your spots, and you’ll breeze past the crowds like a VIP.

Reservations are mandatory for the Louvre, and it’s wise to do the same for the Orsay and Orangerie museums. For the Eiffel Tower, you can reserve tickets either 60 days in advance or 7 days out, with the 7-day tickets released at 1 pm Paris time. Be sure to pre-book for Louis Vuitton and get your shuttle ticket simultaneously, as it is not conveniently accessible by metro.

Check out THIS page to reserve museum tickets in advance.

Stay Flexible… it’s the Olympics!

Finally, stay flexible with your plans. If you see a massive crowd, be ready to switch gears and visit a different spot. Paris has so much to offer that you’ll never run out of amazing things to see and do, especially if you follow our tours in the Wingman app!

So, there you have it – your ultimate guide to enjoying Paris during the Olympics without getting lost in the crowd.

Get out there, explore, and make some unforgettable memories.

Alsooo don’t forget to download Wingman for the best insider tips and tours!

Bon voyage, and enjoy the Olympics in style!

PS: we have a landing page dedicated to Paris!